Hong Kong

NEFIN Group expands footprint in Hong Kong with over 657,000kWh project

The company has lined up three new projects in the city.

NEFIN Group expands footprint in Hong Kong with over 657,000kWh project

The company has lined up three new projects in the city.

CLP Power Wins Five Top Prizes at ‘Industry Oscars’ Asian Power Awards

CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (“CLP Power”) has won five top prizes in the Asian Power Awards 2021, known as the Oscars of the Asia-Pacific energy industry. The  awards were presented for two environmentally-sensitive infrastructure projects in Hong Kong – the new gas-fired generation unit D1 (Unit D1) at Black Point Power Station, and the Ma Sik Road 132 kV substation in Fanling. ​

Where is Hong Kong now in its carbon neutrality target?

The city is now implementing several abatement measures as it aims to be carbon neutral by 2050.

Deutsche Bank China to provide $43m trade finance facility to CNTIC

The facility will be used for a electricity generation project in rural Myanmar.

Project rush boosts VPower Group's capacity by 70%

It secured utility-like projects in Myanmar and Sri Lanka over a few months.

Hong Kong's CLP Holdings expands its non-carbon portfolio

It is exploring opportunities in the Greater Bay Area and India.

Can renewables and gas support a coal-free Hong Kong?

CLP Power Hong Kong and HK Electric are building an offshore LNG terminal and have introduced feed-in tariff schemes that are gaining interest.

Hong Kong seeks to import LNG to cut coal reliance

A floating regasification vessel with 8.3bcm capacity in the works.

Citi buys RECs for 300,000kWh of power from CLP and HK Electric

It aims to use 100% renewable energy across its 7,500 facilities by 2020.

Hong Kong is catching up with other APAC markets to embrace sustainability

Governments around the world are putting policies in place to curb carbon emissions in line with the Paris Agreement on climate change. With a significant proportion of the urban population spending much of their time in commercial buildings, the onus is on the real estate industry to provide sustainable properties that will mitigate negative environment impacts. Many countries in the Asia Pacific region are implementing aggressive measures to address environment challenges such as rising carbon emissions, which is spurring the introduction of incentives to construct green buildings. Hong Kong is no different; it continues to make strides to protect its world class status through its sustainable development as a ‘smart city.’

Hong Kong unveils guidelines for solar power installation

It aids in understanding related Feed-in Tariff application procedures.

HK Electric to invest US$3.39b in transition from coal to gas

It will invest in power generation, transmission, and customer services.

Hong Kong to incentivise renewable energy initiatives for power companies

Renewable energy certificates will be sold to corporations and the public.