
Commercial production of white hydrogen unlikely in the short term

Hydrogen is touted as the "ultimate energy source of the 21st century." Significant in promoting sustainable global economic development, it gradually becomes one of the important drivers for global energy transition.

Commercial production of white hydrogen unlikely in the short term

Hydrogen is touted as the "ultimate energy source of the 21st century." Significant in promoting sustainable global economic development, it gradually becomes one of the important drivers for global energy transition.

Three reasons the US LNG pause does not threaten South Korea’s energy security and transition

Since the United States (US) Biden Administration announced the temporary pause on new liquefied natural gas (LNG) export approvals early this year, many Asian countries expressed concern about the potential disruption in energy security and decarbonization goals.

Implementing Indonesia’s JETP plan requires prioritisation, processes, and transparency

In November 2022, the Indonesian government and the multi-government International Partners Group (IPG) announced the US$20 billion Indonesia Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP). Unprecedented in size and scope, it seeks to mobilise public and private sector funds to retire energy assets with high carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and accelerate the adoption of clean technology, whilst providing the country with sustainable economic development. But discussions seem to have become stuck on defining transition priorities.

Indonesia signals it could abandon science-based taxonomy for coal power plants

Last week, Indonesian financial regulators indicated they were considering a place for new coal-fired power plants in the country’s green taxonomy. This appears to be going beyond their plan to recognize, under the green label, targeted coal power plants scheduled for early retirement. The U-turn not only marks a backsliding of the official position displayed early last year but, if implemented, would also relegate Indonesia to the bottom of the pack of global green or sustainable finance taxonomies.

Can voluntary carbon markets accelerate decarbonisation in Asia?

Asia has a powerful climate financing challenge. Taking the power sector for example, the region is projected to consume half the world’s electricity by 2025, and whilst growing renewable energy adoption offers encouraging signs of transition, the reality is that significant additional financing is required to deliver a net-zero power landscape.

Keeping Indonesia’s downstream coal projects afloat will require hefty government subsidies

Air Products’ withdrawal from planned state-linked facilities highlights cost challenges

Gwadar coal power plant: One step forward, two steps back

The revival of the Gwadar power project on imported coal could heighten Pakistan’s economic stress

Ramping up clean energy will help Bangladesh reduce its reliance on imported fossil fuels

Bangladesh’s energy and power sectors continue to experience the pinch of its reliance on expensive and highly volatile imported liquefied natural gas (LNG), coal and oil. This is increasing the country’s fiscal burdens, eventually prompting the government to pass the cost to the consumers.

Would Pakistan’s long-term power purchase agreements become roadblocks to its solar energy revolution?

A recent public hearing held by the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) on a proposed 600 MW solar power plant in Muzaffargarh has brought to light a host of concerns on the right incentives needed to promote an expedient uptake of solar power in Pakistan.

Fossil-linked energy firms have high emissions and the room for denial is shrinking

Investors can soon rely on improved, comparable and complete emissions data that are key to their investment decision-making.

KEPCO cannot keep resorting to bonds to pay fossil-linked debt

State-owned electricity provider Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) may be running out of tricks to resolve its debt problems.

Will COP27 be a Mere Diplomatic Gathering?

As the UN climate change summit (COP27) will be held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt in November, politicians, environmentalists, and industrialists from all over the world are full of expectations and doubts about what it may bring.

Predictive Analytics is Heart of Digital Transformation for Energy industry

Senthilkumar Pandi, a Digital Data Management Expert, explains how the Predictive Analytics enable Energy Industry to prevent costly unexpected downtime using Predictive Analytics and suggests how to choose right solution.

Delays of LNG terminals in the Philippines reflect supply and cost uncertainties

LNG imports won’t alleviate high power prices in the Philippines.

The future of fuel for critical power in SEA is here

For mission-critical power users, there is real pressure to reduce emissions from their diesel generators, while still making sure there is no reduction in reliability. The picture is different across Southeast Asia, with some governments legislating quicker than others and the adoption of alternatives likely to differ from region to region.

Japan and the G7 climate commitment: how will they follow through?

Japan’s decision to align with other G7 nations ending financing of fossil fuels in other countries sounded a clear note of unity amid the tangled, conflicting commitments that are the norm in the global climate debate. The unified effort needed to create effective climate change action will however test Japan’s leadership role as it works to navigate competing interests successfully.

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