Can Australia keep its solar advantage?
As I write this in Sydney the Australian body politic fights a continuing battle over whether Australia will or won’t have a carbon tax and, if so, what form will it take and which sectors are to be fully or partly compensated. If it were not for a “hung” parliament, with neither major party having control on its own, there would be no question of such a tax or of a carbon trading scheme for the coming few years.
Can Australia keep its solar advantage?
As I write this in Sydney the Australian body politic fights a continuing battle over whether Australia will or won’t have a carbon tax and, if so, what form will it take and which sectors are to be fully or partly compensated. If it were not for a “hung” parliament, with neither major party having control on its own, there would be no question of such a tax or of a carbon trading scheme for the coming few years.
Asia-Pacific provides best growth opportunities for PV market
Asia-Pacific region holds the biggest sustainable, global growth opportunity for solar energy through 2015. This is Photon Consulting's prediction based on its soon-to-be released report entitled, “Solar Power Markets: Eastern Sunrise”.
ABB drives halve energy costs at State Library of Victoria
Fifteen ABB low voltage alternating current drives have cut air conditioning and heating costs at the State Library of Victoria.
Australia to negotiate with energy firms on carbon tax
Australia will discuss carbon tax impelmentation with energy producers. The government is yet to work out appropriate compensation measures for industry.
Second Wind's sales surge in Australia, NZ
Second Wind's presence in Australian and New Zealand wind energy markets more than doubled in 2010 as developers bought more Triton Sonic Wind Profilers. They also used the company's SkyServe satellite wind data service to view and analyze wind information.
Q-Cells CIGS, multicrystalline pass Australian desert conditions
Q-Cells delivered significant power output in some of the driest weather conditions in Central Australia.
Strong 2011 forecast For Australia's wind, solar sector
Australia will have high growth in wind and solar energy projects across the nation.
Australian power producers may issue $13B for projects
Australian power producers may issue as much as $13.2 billion in debt to finance new gas-fired plants and wind farms.
University of Queensland to develop geothermal power technology
The University of Queensland will collaborate with Verdicorp to develop next-generation geothermal turbine and power plant technology.
TRUenergy approved for NSW power plant
TRUenergy Holdings has received approval from New South Wales, Australia, to build a second gas-fired power plant in the state.
Acciona withdraws from Australia's solar program
Spanish firm Acciona Energy has pulled out of Australia's $1.5 billion Solar Flagships program.