
The evolution of the energy consumer

Energy providers are already facing challenges around energy security, price volatility and climate change concerns.

The evolution of the energy consumer

Energy providers are already facing challenges around energy security, price volatility and climate change concerns.

Reaping fruits of going smart

In this day and age when it’s critical how we manage our resources, whether or not we are in an economic slump, the key is efficiency. But how do we ensure efficient processes particularly in networks? The answer is by going smart.

Energy Matters intesifies partnership with REC Solar

Energy Matters and its sister company Apollo Energy became the first in Asia-Pacific to be accepted into the REC Partner Program at a Platinum level.

Australia outlines plan to reduce gas emissions

Australian Resources Minister Martin Ferguson asked the nation's electricity providers to replace ageing networks.

Altona Energy signs cooperation agreement with Rentech

Altona Energy will apply Rentech's technologies in gasification of coal and biomass at its Arckaringa project located in South Australia.

Australia supports ADB clean energy initiatives in Asia

Australia has agreed to provide an untied grant of A$21.584 million for ADB-administered trust funds targeted at water investment and clean energy initiatives in Asia and the Pacific.

Australia to stop solar subsidies

Greg Combet, has reduced the Solar Credits support multiplier from 1 July 2011 to three, and to two on 1 July 2012.

Trina Solar fortifies Australian presence

Trina Solar has strengthened its presence in Australia by opening a sales and business development office in Sydney.

Australia expects commercial geothermal power by 2012

Australia is expecting its first delivery of commercial geothermal power in Petratherm's Paralana project by the end of 2012.

Smart Grids for the future – but what about today?

With the deployment of renewable energy technologies exponentially increasing annually, more resources are being allocated to all aspects of the energy sector. A multi-disciplinary approach is needed to identify what the major issues that networks will face over the next few decades in transitioning from fossil fuel based generation to cleaner, primarily renewable generation. The current belief by many is that future smart grids will provide the transmission, distribution and communication networks that will solve all the issues currently being raised by network operators.

Cummins Power Generation powers Australia's greenest hospital

The project will  help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 45%.

CBD Energy to form joint venture with two Chinese firms

CBD Energy is finalising its joint venture with  China’s China Datang Renewable Power and Tianwei Baobian Electric.

Areva to boost Aussie power station by 44MW

Areva will construct a $110.17 million solar thermal addition to CS Energy's coal-fired Kogan Creek power station.

ADB helps Pacific nations reduce fossil fuel use

ADB will provide technical assistance of around $12.4 million for more efficient power use in Cook Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, and Vanuatu.

ABB to build $30M substation in Australia

ABB will build a $30 million substation to increase power supply and allow Rio Tinto to expand iron ore mining at Hope Downs mines in the Pilbara region.

The right size for future electric grids?

Interconnected electricity grids can be a variety of sizes but they all do the same thing: balance supply and demand at all times.

The four layers of Smart Grid Security

Globally one of the energy topics atop many electric utility executive’s minds is what we are all calling the “Smart Grid.” Of course what constitutes the Smart Grid can mean many different things from new digital meters on someone’s house to advanced Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) to new sensors on transmission lines and substations. Regardless of the exact deployment for an electric utility, a key consideration – something on my agenda every day – is the security of the Smart Grid deployment.