In Focus

Japan’s Softbank eyes 30 megawatt solar project

Japan’s third largest mobile phone company decides that green is good.

Japan’s Softbank eyes 30 megawatt solar project

Japan’s third largest mobile phone company decides that green is good.

China bumps India off $1.6B Nepal power deal

China will develop Nepal's 760MW West Seti Project hydropower plant in a $1.6 billion deal.

NZ wind industry gets the wind in its sails

Despite disappointments, New Zealand’s struggling wind industry should finally break free of the doldrums.

Chinese company to process nuclear waste

China prepares to recycle nuclear waste into something less harmful.

Price reforms, nuclear power top Chinese energy agenda

Premier Wen Jiabao has spelled out the directions China intends to take to ensure the flow of electric power on which its progress depends.

China power output growth to hit 2-year low

China's power output is expected to rise 7.5 percent in 2012, its slowest since 2009.

New dam powers up Laos' Theun-Hinboun hydropower plant

A new dam has allowed the Theun-Hinboun hydropower plant in Borikhamxay province of Laos to generate energy at its full capacity of 220 megawatts.

Japan leads in buiding geothermal projects in Indonesia

A Japan-led joint venture will build and operate two geothermal power plants in Indonesia, each able to generate 220 megawatts.

Japan looks to sell nuclear technology to five countries

Despite its ongoing problems with its nuclear power industry, Japan is going ahead with plans to export nuclear technology to Turkey and other countries.

Indonesia - Malaysia electricity trade to begin 2014

Indonesia's PLN plans to begin trading between 50 to 100 kilowatts with Malaysia in 2014.

“Green avgas” to fuel more of China’s jets

China will use more jet biofuel as it moves to cut pollution by its airline industry.

India stokes its nuclear power plants

The government moves to ensure the supply of uranium for India’s nuclear power plants.

India inks $350M ADB loans to improve power distribution

India has signed three loan agreements totalling $350 million with ADB to improve the power distribution system in Assam, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.

Lights out for China in 2012

Electric power is definitely a huge problem for China this year.

Vietnam’s coal industry switches to investment mode

Its coal industry needs investments amounting to some US$15.1 billion to fulfill its development targets between now and 2020.

Alstom to build supercritical plant in Malaysia for $1.1B

Alstom as part of a consortium will build a  supercritical coal-fired power plant Malaysia under a $1.10 billion deal.

Floating wind farms to be moored off ill-fated Fukushima

It’s also about replacing a symbol of catastrophic failure with a symbol of hope.