NZ wind industry gets the wind in its sails
Despite disappointments, New Zealand’s struggling wind industry should finally break free of the doldrums.
The industry remains confident it can exceed government targets and increase wind power capacity more than fourfold by 2030.
The Ministry of Economic Development estimates that capacity will increase to 1.41GW from the current 622MW. Wind is expected to produce some 10% of New Zealand’s electricity by 2030.
The New Zealand Wind Energy Association (NZWEA), however, said its own estimates show wind power contributing 20% of the country’s electricity over the next 18 years. NZWEA said New Zealand currently has 16 wind farms.
The largest operator, Meridian, which is also the biggest power generator, operates four wind farms while its main competitor, Contact Energy, has is to build one wind farm.
New Zealand has some sites with wind speeds stronger than 8.5 metres per second (m/s) Other locations have speeds in the 7.5-8.5m/s range.