In Focus
India running short of coal—fast
The world’s biggest coal miner faces the ironic situation of having to import coal because consumption is running out of control.
India running short of coal—fast
The world’s biggest coal miner faces the ironic situation of having to import coal because consumption is running out of control.
Submarine cable to connect Sumatra to Java
PT PLN plans to lay a US$12 billion submarine transmission cable connecting Sumatra and Java.
China curtails polysilicon production to boost prices
A 60% plunge in world prices sees China artificially curb supply to boost demand—and prices.
Indonesia to produce electricity for Singapore
Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is not averse on building coal-fired plants to export electricity to Singapore.
Low-cost carbon capture technologies from China to soon find use in the USA
Thanks to a 3-year agreement between China and US companies for a research cooperation.
Restart of idled Japanese nuclear reactors crawl along
With practically all its nuclear reactors offline, Japan faces a serious power crisis this summer.
Laos to have 4 hydropower projects in 2 northern provinces
Laos will have four hydropower development projects in two northern provinces.
Expensive coal takes a heavy toll on Tata Power
India's largest private power producer saw its profits plummet by 40% mainly as a result of surging coal prices.
India's 2011 clean energy investments total $10.3B
India accounted for 4% of global investments in the clean energy sector last year at 10.3 billion.
Japanese-built power plant in Java switches on
A new power plant completed ahead of schedule by the Japanese is now supplying Indonesia with 2,640 MW of badly needed electricity.
Electricity to reach 90% of Indonesian households by 2014
Indonesia's PLN projects the number of households enjoying electricity in the country to reach 90 percent by late 2014.
India tops world green technology investments in 2011
India invested US$10.3 billion in green technologies, up 53% year-on-year and ahead of any advanced or emerging economy in the world.
China to slow down approvals of nuke projects
China will be cautious in pursuing nuclear power and is likely to approve only three or four projects each year.
Focus now turns to China's low-wind areas
Vestas Wind Systems has agreed to hand a large consignment of high-tech turbines to the Longganhu wind farm in Hubei province.
Japan’s nuclear “stress tests” get UN nod
The United Nations says Japan’s nuclear reactors are safe but . . .
U.N. nuclear agency approves Japan's stress tests
U.N. nuclear experts have endorsed stress tests designed to show that Japanese nuclear plants could withstand a repeat of last year's quake and tsunami, as the government campaigns to restart idled reactors and avoid a summer power crunch. The government, though, still faces an uphill battle to restore public trust in the nation's power utilities after the March 11 disaster wrecked the Fukushima nuclear power plant, triggering the world's worst nuclear crisis in 25 years. The Vienna-based International Atomic Agency's (IAEA) team has been in Japan at the request of the government to review stress tests conducted by its Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) on halted nuclear reactors to verify their safety. "We concluded that NISA's instructions to power plants and its review process for the comprehensive safety assessments are generally consistent with IAEA safety standards," James Lyons, the leader of the 10-member IAEA team, said Tuesday. "We were very impressed with the way Japan quickly implemented the emergency safety measures after the accident in March. They have also been very active in participating in the international community to determine the steps forward," Lyons added to reporters. He also pointed out areas that Japan could improve upon, such as communicating with local communities about stress tests. "NISA had done a good job in the transparency of information on their website, but we feel that it is also important for them to hold meetings in the vicinities of nuclear power plants to discuss their findings with the local population," Lyons said. Stress tests are computer simulations that evaluate a nuclear reactor's resilience to severe shocks. NISA completed a review of the stress tests earlier in January and said they showed reactors at Fukui prefecture's Ohi plant, the first to be assessed, were capable of withstanding an impact similar to the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and massive tsunami that wrecked the Fukushima plant. Some experts, however, have questioned the validity of the stress tests, charging the IAEA's visit was just for show. "It is obvious that a visit by an international organization advocating nuclear power is part of a political agenda that is built into a story already finished in advance," said University of Tokyo professor Hiromitsu Ino and former nuclear plant design engineer Masashi Goto in a joint statement last week. Ino and Goto, who serve on a committee that advises on NISA's review of the stress tests, said the tests were insufficient as they only simulate one natural disaster at a time and do not take into account the possibility of the sort of equipment failure and human error seen at Fukushima. Others suggested the IAEA's stamp of approval would not be enough to alleviate public concern. "The public mistrust toward the government's handling of information over the nuclear accident is high and I don't think the review will change that," said Atsuo Ito, a political analyst. ENERGY POLICY SHIFT In another effort to restore public confidence in nuclear power, the cabinet Tuesday approved bills that would set up a new nuclear safety agency, separating regulation of the industry from the trade and industry ministry, which has promoted nuclear power and came under criticism for its cozy ties with utilities. The Fukushima disaster has also prompted a major shift in Japan's energy policy. The resource-poor nation had aimed to increase the share of nuclear power from a third to more than half of the power supply by 2030 before the disaster, but it now looks to reduce its reliance on nuclear power and raise the role of renewable sources such as wind and solar power. But with only three of the country's 54 nuclear reactors running, and public anxiety preventing the rest from being restarted after routine checks, the government wants to avoid a an economically crippling power crunch in the summer and hopes the stress tests will help persuade a wary public that it is safe to restart some of the reactors. Local governments hosting nuclear plants, however, have said the stress tests were not sufficient to allow them to give their approval, with some requesting that findings from the Fukushima disaster be considered in drafting new safety standards as well. "A utility would not be violating any law if it went ahead and restarted a reactor after properly completing scheduled maintenance. But the Fukushima accident has heightened public concern over nuclear safety, making local consent an important part of the restart process," a trade ministry official said. Japan had promoted nuclear power as safe, cheap and clean before the Fukushima crisis. "The myth that nuclear power was absolutely safe is a theme we will explore. We need to find out how such a mindset developed," Kiyoshi Kurokawa, head of a parliamentary committee investigating causes of the Fukushima accident, told reporters Monday here
Can the Philippines finally go nuclear?
A 2,000-megawatt nuclear power plant may be online by 2025.