Jaitapur nuclear project gets environmental clearance
The Jaitapur nuclear project has received its environmetal clearance after the Expert Appraisal Committee of India's environment and forest ministry.
The clearance was announced by Environment and Forest Minister Jairam Ramesh.
The JNPP comprises six EPRs each of 1650 MW, proposed to be set up in a phased manner in twin unit construction mode over a period of 15-17 years by Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited or NPCIL in technical collaboration with AREVA, France at Village Madban, Taluka Rajapur, District Ratnagiri, Maharshtra State.
The first EPR unit at Jaitapur is expected to start generating electricity within seven years from now. With the Environmental Clearance, an important milestone for the project implementation, NPCIL can now proceed with the further activities associated with the setting up of these reactors.
The Environmental Clearance has been granted based on the in-depth review of the Environment Impact Assessment study report, Public Hearing and response to the public observations/ submissions by the Expert Appraisal Committee of MoEF. The EAC had visited Jaitapur site in October 28, 2010 as a part of this review process.