Indonesia sets out new guidelines for rooftop PV
The bill for PV systems will be calculated on a monthly basis by subtracting the export value from the import value.
A net metering scheme for residential, commercial, and industrial rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems is now in place, after the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) issued Regulation No. 49 of 2018 or the Utilization of Rooftop Solar Power Systems by Customers of PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero).
The new scheme will act as a framework for those with PV installations to sell excess power to the grid. To comply with the new set of guidelines, parties interested to install PV systems are required to submit an application to the head of the PLN area or distribution unit for verification and approval. The application process involves providing required information, from the PLN customer identification number to a one-line diagram of the planned PV system.
Only upon approval from PLN can the installation of the PV systems begin. Once installed, the electricity bill for PV systems will be calculated on a monthly basis by subtracting the kWh export value from the kWh import value.
With MEMR Regulation 49/2018, the export value has been reduced from 100% to 65% of the applicable PLN tariff, based on a formula that the MEMR believes is just compensations for the costs that PLN will incur. However, many operators are still not happy with this 65 multiplier.
Greita Anggraeni, associate at SSEK Legal Consultants, notes that there have been negative reactions to the new regulations, particularly the dim view taken by rooftop PV associations. According to her, two major concerns are the additional requirements needed to obtain approval for PV installations and the way the government values electricity exported from rooftop PV systems.
Before setting guidelines for rooftop PV, Indonesia has already set the guidelines to make sure residential, commercial and industrial PV installations are entitled to sell excess power to the grid. The provisions will boost the installation of 1GW of PV systems and the savings of PV systems owners’ bills by 30%.
Photo by h080 from Flickr