India crafting long-term national energy policy
Committee of Secretaries met yesterday to discuss plan.
India has taken its first step towards a long-term national energy security policy to replace its existing Integrated Energy Policy or IEP adopted in 2007.
The IEP’s goal is to ensure adequate supply of energy at the least possible cost. Another important challenge is to provide clean and convenient lifeline energy to the poor. The government believes meeting both are the hallmarks of an effective and comprehensive energy policy.
A Committee of Secretaries headed by cabinet secretary Ajit Seth has met to discuss the initiative. Members of the CoS include secretaries of Planning Commission and the ministries of power, coal, petroleum, environment and forests, economic affairs, new and renewable energy and law.
CoS is expected to evolve a long-term national energy security policy. Analysts feel an overarching’ energy security policy is critical to India’s future, and is long overdue. India, the world’s fourth largest energy-consuming nation after the US, China and Russia, accounts for 4.4% of global energy consumption.
India’s energy demand is expected to more than double by 2035, from less than 700 million tonnes of oil equivalent to around 1,500 mtoe.