J-Power boosts wind facilities in Japan
J-Power has acquired holdings in three Marubeni wind power companies to increase its wind power capacity in Japan to 255,880kW. It is the first such assets acquired by J-Power in Japan that have been developed and operated by another company.
The company has developed nine wind farms in Japan with an installed capacity of 210,530kW. The recent acquisition brings J-Power’s wind power generation facilities in Japan to 12. J-Power has another wind power company overseas with a capacity of 48,000kW.
Describing itself as "a company that strives for the harmonious coexistence of energy production and the environment," J-Power announced that they will continue to develop wind farms to promote wind-generated electricity as a form of renewable energy.
J-Power stated that it intends to apply its accumulated knowledge and experience in wind power generation projects to further enhance the effective utilisation of wind resources, and achieve even more efficient and stable operations at the three power stations.