Iberdrola Australia to build 145MW wind project in New South Wales
Construction is expected to start in March 2022.
Iberdrola Australia committed to construct the 145-megawatt (MW) Flyers Creek Wind Farm project near Orange in central-west New South Wales (NSW).
In a statement, Iberdrola Australia said the project is expected to generate around 450 gigawatt hours of electricity annually, which is equivalent to providing power to over 80,000 households and can avoid over 330,000 tonnes of carbon emissions per year.
The company added that the construction is expected to begin in March 2022, which will include the installation of 38 wind turbines and related balance sheet. This will also create 230 jobs during the construction and around six to eight permanent regional jobs whilst it is operating.
Iberdrola Australia also said that a Community Benefit Fund will be established to receive first contribution with the start of construction, whilst the fund will be managed by Blayne Shire Council.
“The project will make a meaningful contribution to economic development in and around Blayney Shire and Cabonne Shire,” said Ross Rolfe, AO, chief executive officer and managing director.
“Once complete, Flyers Creek Wind Farm will be dispatched as part of Iberdrola Australia’s renewable energy portfolio, one of the largest and fastest growing renewable portfolios in the National Electricity Market. The output of the plant will be sold to Australian businesses and enterprises, helping them achieve their sustainability goals,” Rolfe added.
Iberdrola Australia said that aside from the Flyers Creek project, it has invested in Port Augusta Renewable Energy Park in South Australia (SA), and Avonlie Solar Farm in NSW since 2019. The projects will bring additional 760MW of renewable capacity to the National Electricity Market with a capital of $727.96m.
A$1 = $0.73