Eurus Energy tests riblet film to enhance wind power efficiency
This is expected to improve power generation by three percent.
The verification test has started in the Eurus Soya misaki Wind Farm to determine whether attaching a film treated by riblet processing to wind turbine blades can help improve wind power generation efficiency.
According to Eurus Energy, riblet processing forms a fine groove structure inspired by the shape of shark skin, which reduces water resistance.
“By combining Nikon’s proprietary technology to create a fine groove structure along the surface that comes into contact with liquid or air, friction drag caused by the irregular flow of fluid can be reduced and energy efficiency improved,” it added.
The trial, which is a first in Japan, will involve three pairs of one-megawatt wind turbines in similar environment conditions. One will be attached with riblet films and the other without to compare power output.
This technology is expected to improve wind power generation efficiency by approximately three percent.
By applying riblet film on all 57 wind turbines at the Eurus Soya misaki farm, it is expected to increase the power generation equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of approximately 1,710 households.
Eurus Energy said the verification test will run for a year.