Chubu Electric conducts surveys for replacement plan
Chubu Electric conducted geological surveys of the area around the planned Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Reactor No. 6 building site. It is part of the company's basic review of its replacement plan of major facilities.
The survey method utilised by Chubu Electric are the boring surveys, which determine the geological properties of the site by boring holes in the ground to get continuous rod-shaped samples of the rocks, etc., that make up the ground, and then examining the samples.
This survey will be conducted until December 2009.
Geological surveys for the dry storage facility for spent fuel, such as boring surveys, test pit surveys, bedrock testing, rock testing and ground water level observations are also being conducted. The results will be incorporated into the building and facility design.
The survey period will last until the first half of 2010.
The company also conducted a preliminary investigation of animal habitat for environmental impact assessment related to the new Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Reactor No. 6 site. Birds of prey will be observed by naked eye, telescope, etc., on the premises of the power station and on its periphery within about 3 km to determine their flight and nesting status. Fixed-point surveys of the flight, resting, hunting and nesting activities of birds of prey will also be conducted. If it is determined that rare species of birds of prey are nesting in the area, we will observe their nests at close range to determine their breeding status.
The preliminary investigation will be completed on September 2009.