Azuma Kogen Wind Farm in Fukushima Prefecture goes online
It can meet the demand of 15,300 average households annually.
The Azuma Kogen Wind Farm in Fukushima City started commercial operation on 1 May with a total capacity of 32,400 kilowatts (kW), according to Japan Renewable Energy (JRE) Corporation.
In a statement, JRE said the wind farm is composed of nine turbines with a capacity of 3,600 kW with a total planned annual generation of 64.3 million kW-hours.
The electricity generated will be bought by the Tohoku Electric Power Network Co., Ltd.
JRE said the electricity generated could meet the annual demand of around 15,300 average households and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 31,010 tonnes yearly.
READ MORE: JRE’s wind, solar farms go online
This is part of the agreement signed between JRE, Fukushima Mirai Kenkyukai General Incorporated Foundation, and Shinobuyama Fukushima Power Co. in 2016 to jointly develop renewable energy power plants in the prefecture.
Other facilities they developed include the Nishinosato Solar Park which started operation in January 2020, and the Shirakawa Solar Park which commenced in November 2021.