Acciona constructs third wind park in India
Acciona Energy has started constricting the 56 MW Tuppadahalli facility, its third wind park in India. It will come on stream in 2011. According to the Construction and maintenance News, the wind park represents an investment of US$81.3 million. The wind park will increase the company's wind power capacity in the country to 85.8 MW.
Tuppadahalli joins the the 13.2 MW Arasinagundi, installed in 2007, and the 16.5 MW Anabaru, built in 2008, among Accion Energy’s wind parks in India. All three are 100 per cent owned by Acciona. Also located in the state of Karnataka, the new park will contain thirty-four 1,650 kW wind turbines and its renewable energy production will avoid the emission of 167,000 metric tons of CO2 a year from conventional power stations in the state.
Acciona Energy is the first Spanish wind power developer in terms of owned wind parks in India. Its subsidiary has its offices in Bangalore.
The company plans a major presence in India, the fifth world maket in terms of wind power implementation.