China ramps up biofuels effort
The government is set to pour more resources into the production of biofiuels.
China’s goal will be to produce five million tons of ethanol fuel during the 12th Five-Year period from 2011 to 2015, or nearly double the goal from 2006-2010. Biofuels was the only renewable energy industry that fell short of its target in 2010.
Li Shizhong, deputy director at New Energy Research Center, Nuclear Research Institute, Tsinghua University, said China will give priority to the development of biofuels as an alternative to petroleum, and will implement measures to support the development of the biofuels industry.
“The biofuels industry is an integrated system that can drive the development of a variety of other industries, including agriculture, chemicals, plastics, automotive, power generation, transportation and services while helping boost domestic demand,” said Li.
“Unlike other industries, biofuels help maintain social stability by addressing a number of agriculture-related issues, including increasing farmers’ income and creating jobs for millions of farmers.”
Li Shizhong suggested the government accelerate the development of second generation cellulose ethanol, and boost the production of biofuels with production bases in Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang.
Both regions have abundant sunshine and heat resources suitable for the planting of sweet sorghum, one of the principal raw materials for producing ethanol.