Philippines adopts nuclear energy in power mix
Under EO 164, the government will develop a Nuclear Energy program.
Nuclear power will now be included in the energy mix of the Philippines after an executive order was signed, declaring the country’s national position on the power source.
Under Executive Order No. 164, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte directed the Department of Energy to develop and implement the Nuclear Energy Program, under the Philippine Energy Plan.
The program will include the development of nuclear power infrastructure, and planning, construction, and operation of nuclear power plants, amongst others.
This is also in line with the guidelines of the International Atomic Energy Agency on building a national position, which includes components such as policy development, energy analysis, planning and pre-feasibility study, amongst others.
“The State has committed to a multi-stakeholder involvement in developing the country’s National Position for a Nuclear Energy Program and shall at all times abide by the international standards on safety, security, and safeguards on peaceful development of nuclear energy,” the order read in part.
Prior to this, the Philippine government had also issued EO 116 (s. 2020), under which the Nuclear Energy Program Inter-Agency Committee was tasked to conduct relevant studies in relation to nuclear energy as an additional power source.
Under the newly signed EO, the Committee will also be tasked to conduct studies and make recommendations over the use as well as viability of the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant.