CLP completes first wholly-owned mainland wind project
CLP’s first wholly owned wind farm in Mainland China – Phase I of Qian'an Wind Farm in Songyuan City, Jilin Province—hase been commissioned. The project was developed and constructed by CLP. Phase I of the project has a generation capacity of 49.5 MW.
In support of China's move towards a low-carbon economy, CLP has been actively investing in renewable energy projects in the Chinese Mainland, focusing on the wind sector and pursuing wholly-owned wind projects. The move also reinforces the Group's commitment to carbon emissions reduction.
"The Qian'an Wind Farm is of major significance to CLP's growth in the wind energy market in China. Through this project, we have acquired construction and operational experiences, which will set a standard for the development of our future wind projects," said Mr Peter Tse, CLP's Group Executive Director and Chairman of China Business.
"The project underscores the Group's strong commitment to having 20 per cent of our generating capacity from non-carbon emitting power across the Asia Pacific region by 2020, an interim target outlined in our Climate Vision 2050," added Mr. Tse.
The location of the newly-completed project in Jilin, which is known for its abundant wind resources, offers significant potential for future expansion. With 33 wind turbines of 1.5 MW each installed, Phase 1 is designed to provide annual electricity output of 124 million kWh and help reduce 127,000 tonnes of carbon emissions each year.
CLP has made an application for the Qian'an Wind Farm to become a registered "Carbon Development Mechanism" (CDM) project as a Hong Kong–owned enterprise in the Mainland.