China's wind power capacity hit 149m kilowatts at end-2016
But almost 50b kilowatt hours was wasted.
According to Xinhua, installed wind power capacity in China continued to grow in 2016.
China had 149 million kilowatts of installed wind power capacity as of the end of 2016, with 19.3 million kilowatts added last year, according to the National Energy Administration (NEA).
Wind power facilities generated 241 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in 2016, 4 percent of the country's total electricity production, compared with 3.3 percent in 2015.
However, close to 50 billion kilowatt hours of wind power was wasted, up from 33.9 billion kilowatt hours a year earlier, due to distribution of wind resources and an imperfect grid system.
China's energy mix is currently dominated by coal.