Gandhi dedicates Dadri Project to India
Sonia Gandhi congratulated NTPC for completing Stage-II of the Dadri project long before the Commonwealth Games 2010.
She dedicated the 980 MW project, specifically meant to meet the power requirements of the Commonwealth Games, to the nation.
Gandhi, the Chairperson of the United Progressive Alliance, said that it is a matter of great pride that the work of this Stage was completed in a record time of only 39 months.
Emphasizing the importance of electricity in the fast development and progress of a nation, Smt. Gandhi said that we need to tap various sources for producing electricity. But she also said that such production should not be at the cost of environment and as such the power production should be ‘clean’.
In this context, the U.P.A. Chairperson said that though land acquisition is necessary for developmental projects but it should not involve large tracts of agricultural lands; as that would compromise food production, and the entire process should also be such that it doesn’t adversely affect the farmers and other people.
Stage-I of the ‘National Capital Thermal Power Project, Dadri’ was already producing 840 MW, through 4 Units, each of 210 MW capacity. And now with the dedication of this 980 MW, through 2 Units, each of 490 MW capacity, Stage-II, the ‘National Capital Thermal Power Project, Dadri’ has achieved a total capacity of 2637 MW as its Gas Based Station is producing 817 MW.
The 980 MW thermal power project comprising two BHEL-built units of 490 MW each, has been running satisfactorily, since commercial operation. Significantly, these are the first of their kind indigenous units, which have been designed for operating at a higher reheat steam temperature of 565 degree Celsius. These new state-of-the-art machines with a better Heat Rate lead to a direct reduction of coal consumption to the tune of 12,000 tonnes per annum per unit. The units also comprise advanced control, instrumentation and monitoring system.