Asia's energy demand to jump by a whopping 37% by 2025
Will the region's low GDP growth further affect this?.
According to Macquarie Research's latest study, 13 largest energy consuming countries were modeled within the Asia Pacific region and then aggregated the results up to drive a bottom-up forecast scenarios for Asia’s energy demand.
They forecast 37% base case higher energy demand for Asia in 2025 compared with 2013.
Here's more from Macquarie Research:
We forecast Asia’s overall per capital consumption to rise fast in percentage terms but to remain below the global average of ~1930 kgoe/capita by 2025.
We expect Asia to turn around the last decade of rising energy intensity and to fall steadily in our base case back to 277 kgoe/USD’000 GDP by 2025, although this will still be almost 40% higher than our forecast for the global average in that year.
The 13 countries we model are China, Japan, India, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, Vietnam, Pakistan, Singapore, Taiwan and the Philippines.
Our base scenario forecast (‘Steady efficiency gains’) implies that Asian energy demand will increase by 37% by 2025.
The ‘Low GDP growth’ scenario doesn’t change things much versus 2013, with lower GDP growth being offset by less of an improvement in assumed energy efficiency.