Meet OWL Energy's Jeff Miller at the 2018 Asian Power Utility Forum
He will speak about hybrid power plant usage to support base load power needs in small islands.
Jeff Miller has over 25 years of experience in power and hydrocarbon plant design and operation. He is a registered Professional Engineer (Electrical) and a registered Project Management Professional (PMP). He has served clients as Project Manager for major power plant improvement projects. He has led detailed design efforts for many Owner Engineering, EPC and Design/Build coal-fired, combined cycle and cogeneration power plant projects. He has been site construction engineer, commissioning engineer, and engineering manager in a wide variety of locations including US, Canada, Thailand, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Korea, and the Philippines. He has been the engineering discipline group manager (Control Systems) for large engineering firms. He has also served for large engineering firms as a USA office fossil power plant design engineer expert in long-term assignments in Thailand, Egypt and Korea.
Miller currently serves as the Country Manager for the Philippines office of Owl Energy. OWL is a high-end engineering consultancy with offices in Manila, Bangkok and Yangon. OWL is experienced throughout the project cycle from development, (e.g. feasibility studies, tendering, techno-commercial assistance with financing), through construction (e.g. detailed design, construction management, Owner’s / lenders’ Engineer) to O&M plus special projects (e.g. due diligences, market support, coal mine analysis, insurance claims).
OWL’s technical expertise covers renewables (e.g. wind, solar, biomass, biogas, MSW, hydro), fossil (e.g. coal, CCGT, recips), transmission and distribution plus associated technologies (bioethanol, LNG regasification, coal mining).
Miller will be among the speakers at the 2018 Asian Power Utility Forum, Manila leg. The event will be happening on February 27 at Makati Shangri-La.
What are your previous experiences and positions held that contributed to who you are as an expert in the power industry today?
I have worked several years on detailed design, construction, and startup of power plants. I have worked on proposal stages of power plants; and in the upgrading/replacing of major systems at existing power plants. I have worked with all types of technologies – from working at a nuclear power plant as a 20-year old intern to now working with PV solar as a consultant. I have worked as a Plant Engineer, Owner’s Engineer, EPC Contractor, and now as a Consultant in the Power Industry.
What are your key business philosophies?
Expect the best out of the people you work with (Believe that everyone wakes up in the morning and wants to do a good job that day). Try to remember the “big picture” impact of the projects that you are working on, and how they will contribute to make things better for the population in that area. Respect your Clients AND your suppliers/sub-contractors. Respect the people in your organization who work FOR you as much as the people that YOU work for.
Can you give us a glimpse of what you will talk about at the Asian Power Utility Forum?
My presentation will describe the philosophy behind using “hybrid” power plants to support base load power requirements in small islands. Essentially, the goal is to describe the different types of power generation technologies that are used to create electricity and the reason why each would form a part of a “hybrid” power plant.