First concrete pour completed at Haiyang nuclear site
Two AP1000 plants will be delivered at Haiyang as the first pour of basemat structural concrete has been completed.
This was jointly announced by Westinghouse Electric Company, its consortium team member The Shaw Group Inc., China's State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation, and Shandong Nuclear Power Company Ltd.
Senior Vice President, Westinghouse Nuclear Power Plants, Ric Perez said the pour of concrete at the Haiyang site continues to show that Westinghouse, its partners and Chinese customers are committed to safely bringing online all four of the China AP1000 plants, two of which will be at the nuclear island in Haiyang.
The pour at Haiyang encompassed over 5000 cubic meters of concrete, 1200 tons of reinforcing steel and 993 anchor bolts. The concrete will serve as the foundation for all of the nuclear island buildings, including the containment vessel and the shield building. The concrete pour at Haiyang was preceded by the on time pouring of concrete this spring at Sanmen, the second coastal site in China where two AP1000 plants are being built.
In addition to four AP1000 plants the Westinghouse/Shaw Consortium and China are currently in discussion on plans for additional AP1000 plants to be sited inland of China's coastal areas.