Second Wind's sales surge in Australia, NZ
Second Wind's presence in Australian and New Zealand wind energy markets more than doubled in 2010 as developers bought more Triton Sonic Wind Profilers. They also used the company's SkyServe satellite wind data service to view and analyze wind information.
Second Wind received orders for 17 more Tritons from 12 Australian and New Zealand companies in 2010, bringing to 29 the number of systems deployed at wind farm sites in both countries. Several of the systems were ordered by existing Triton customers. Windlab Systems and a joint venture between Wind Prospect and CWP operate the largest Triton fleets in Australia. Both use five Tritons as part of their wind resource assessment operations. Both companies also use Second Wind's Nomad 2 Wind Data Logger to gather data from met towers in wind resource assessment projects.
"The Australian wind power sector has grown by an average of 30 percent from year to year over the past decade and is projected to reach a capacity of 2,000 MW in 2011. Second Wind's technology will support this growth," said Ian Lloyd-Besson, CEO of WISE, a Triton Certified Partner and global provider of energy data services. "Wind developers see Triton and SkyServe as a comprehensive wind data solution that combines front-line data collection with the back-end ability to see and analyze the data easily. Between Triton's reliability and ease of deployment, and the tremendous capability SkyServe brings to understand wind information, Second Wind's solutions are attracting an increasingly wider following in Australia and New Zealand."
To support Second Wind's customers in Australia and New Zealand, WISE, as a Triton Certified Partner, provides services including Triton installation, redeployment, and field service. WISE is also able to provide its customers with data management and analysis services and met tower/Triton correlation studies.
"Triton fills our need for a versatile, durable wind measurement system that can collect data at a wide range of heights in almost any location," said Nathan Steggel of Windlab Systems, which owns and operates 17 Tritons, five of them in Australia. "By using SkyServe to view data from multiple Tritons, we can move much more quickly to determine our most promising sites. Windlab now has an active development portfolio exceeding 8,000 MW across four countries and Tritons combined with Windlab technology are helping us to successfully prosecute these projects."