EMA wants to explore Singapore’s geothermal energy potential
It has issued a Request for Information to facilitate the investigation project.
The Energy Market Authority (EMA) has announced plans to look into the geothermal energy potential of Singapore.
To facilitate the geophysical investigation project, the EMA has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to assess geothermal energy across the country.
“The planned geophysical investigation project will complement ongoing exploratory studies in the northern and eastern parts of Singapore, in providing a more comprehensive assessment of the geothermal potential across the whole of Singapore and suitable deployment locations,” the EMA reported.
Following the RFI, the EMA will begin developing and launching the Request for Proposal, in order to assess the viability and scalability of deploying geothermal systems in Singapore.
According to the EMA, geothermal energy serves as Singapore’s fourth “switch” under its energy transition.
The other three involved solar energy, developing regional power grids for the import of low carbon electricity and using natural gas as transitional fuel.