Darling Downs Power Station now fully commissioned
Origin Energy completed final commissioning of its 630MW Darling Downs Power Station in Queensland.
The Power Station has three 120 MW gas turbines and a 280 MW steam turbine which will emit less than half of the greenhouse gas and requires less than 3 percent of the water used by a typical water-cooled coal-fired power station of the same capacity.
The development also includes a 205 kilometre domestic gas pipeline linking the power station to coal seam gas fields in the region held by Australia Pacific LNG—a 50 to 50 percent joint venture between Origin and ConocoPhillips.
Darling Downs Power Station represents an investment of more than $1 billion by Origin and is part of Origin’s growing portfolio of gas-fired generation in Queensland and Australia.
Origin has started booking revenue and earnings for the project from 1 July 2010.
Origin has also purchased a 77 hectare block adjacent to the current Darling Downs Power Station for possible future expansion.