
Why is wind power deemed too complicated in Japan?

Windzones are not the only worries players must think about.

Vietnam slapped with big threats amidst unstoppable energy demand surge

Capacity expansion is aggressive, but headwinds in demand side persist.

Why is the Philippines' energy shift taking too long?

Do not be deceived by enticing investment environment, analysts warn.

Vietnam slapped with big threats amidst unstoppable energy demand surge

How will the country maximise its domestic energy resources?

Myanmar lavishes on power infrastructure

It's high time for Myanmar to tap its power sector.

GDF SUEZ changes to ENGIE, takes the lead towards a cleaner energy environment

Structural changes are taking place in the energy market and ENGIE is already leading the way.

Malaysia still immature for nuke power use

The country's plan is deemed "overly ambitious".

Will coal power be double whammied by hydro, wind investments?

When it comes to power generation in Asia, coal is still undeniably the king.

India’s power distributors are getting poor

Their inability to purchase power pulled utlisation down.

Power-hungry China stubbornly holds on to coal-fired power

China is awfully torn between coal power reduction and further growing its exports.

Indonesia's capacity growth aim is ambitious

It's still on the planning stage, yet horrendous challenges are already being thrown.