Japan adds 1,394 MW of clean energy capacity
Some 95% of additional capacity came from solar energy.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said Japan’s total combined new renewable energy capacity added between April 1, 2012, and January 31, 2013 reached 1,394 MW.
Photovoltaic power facilities accounted for 1,329 MW, with household solar panel systems making up 1,023,000kW of that amount.
METI noted that 37,000kW capacity was added by January 31, with all of that being added after June 2012.
Japan had 26,940 MW of clean energy capability at the end of 2012. Solar is the dominant form, accounting for about a third of all renewable energy.
METI approved non-residential solar projects totaling 5,749 MW, residential solar worth 958 MW, and wind worth 570 MW. Biomass, geothermal and small hydro accounted for the remainder of the applications.